Friday, January 27, 2017

Fraction Assessment Addition

Looking for a little more formative assessment for students?   Janeal has created two mini fraction assessments for teacher use.  She plans on using it in a classroom as a version A & B to minimize student copying, but they can be used as a pre and post or even exit slips.

Fraction Assessment Printable

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Mixed Number Headlines

5.NF.1, 2
Module 7
Differentiation Activity

Students can draw mix and match cards from the Number Case to create a mixed number subtraction equation.  They can use the activity Headlines from Putting the Principles Into Action by Susan O'Connell and John SanGiovanni  page 35 to connect the equation to a story.

Headlines description
O'Connell, Susan, and John SanGiovanni. Putting the Practices into Action: Implementing the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice, K-8. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2013. 35. Print.

Subtracting Fractions (Common and Mixed)

Module 7
Differentiation Activity/Student Journal Game

Students can play the game described in the Step In on their 7.7 Student Journal.  Instead of making cubes, you have them use cards.  They will draw a card from each pile and write the subtraction equation.  They will find the difference between the two fractions. Student must determine at the start of the game whether they will award point for:
A:  Denominators - two points for having to change both denominators
                              - one point for changing one denominator

B:  Difference - two point for a difference that is more than one
                        - one point for a difference that is less than one

After five rounds, the student with the most points is the winner.

Fraction Cards
Recording Sheet

Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Module 7
Differentiation Activity

In partners, students will take the fraction cards and separate them into two piles, one with the triangle and one without.  They will draw a card from each pile and find the difference.  They can either explain on paper or out loud how they solved their problem.  You can turn this into a game by awarding points for subtraction with common denominators = 1 point and unlike denominators = 2 points.  You could also have the student with the greatest difference score a point.  After five rounds, the student with the most points is the winner.

Fraction Cards
Recording Sheet (optional)

Subtracting Fractions (Unrelated Denominators)

Module 7, Lesson 3
Differentiation Activity

Students can print the multiplication table, cut it into strips, and use it to find common multiples. For example, I drew 1/3 and found the strips that made 1/3 with the beginning number.  I did the same for the 2/4 that I drew.  When looking at the two sets of strips, I was able to highlight the common denominator. After students draw their cards, they will find the difference between the two fractions.  Students score points depending on the number of denominators they had to change to calculate their difference (see Extra Help Slides for Scoring Rules.) The students will explain their thinking either in a notebook or on a whiteboard. 

Click for full description of activity and to download the Extra Help Slides (Scoring Rules). 
Multiplication Table
Fraction Cards
Recording Sheet

Subtracting Fractions (Related Denominators)

Module 7
Differentiation Activity

Partners will each draw two cards and find the difference between the two fractions.  They may use the number line to help.  If the student can correctly find the difference, they are awarded 1 points if their fractions had the same denominator or two points if they had related denominators.  After five rounds, the student with the most points is the winner.

Fraction Cards
Number Line Fifths
Recording Sheet

Subtracting Fractions (Like Denominators)

Module 7
Differentiation Activity

Each partner will draw two cards.  They must find the difference between the two fractions. They may use the number line for help. They will record the difference on the recording sheet and the partner with the greatest difference receives a point.  The partner with the most points after five rounds is the winner.

Number Line
Fraction Cards
Recording Sheet