Monday, May 15, 2017

Dividing Fractions with Multiplication

Module 9
Differentiation Activity

Students draw a card and roll a dice to again create a division expression with the whole number as the dividend.  Students work together to find the relationship between division and multiplication.

Fraction Cards

Dividing Fractions - Whole Number Dividend

Module 9, Lesson 2
Extra Practice Differentiation Activity
5.NF.7, 7b

Students draw a card and roll the dice to create a division expression.  Here, the whole number is the dividend.  Students then draw a picture to represent the expression to find the answer. They can also use a number line as well.

Fraction Cards

Division/Multiplication of Fractions

Module 9
Differentiation Activity

Students roll the dice and draw a card.  They then write out the division expression and the matching multiplication expression.  They solve the problem together.

Fraction Cards  (download to see the fractions)

Dividing Fractions - Fraction Dividend

Module 9
Differentiation Activity

Students take turns rolling a dice and drawing a card.  They write out the division expression and solve it by drawing pictures.  The other student will listen and check their work.  They then switch roles.

Fraction Cards

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Multiplying Decimals

Module 10 
Multiplying Decimals Practice

Students draw cards to multiply together. You can have students use only the cards with tenths, or the cards with hundredths, or a mix of both, depending on where you are in your lesson sequence. Students earn a point for calculating the correct product.  The student with the  most points after 5 rounds is the winner.

Lessons 8-9 Cards
Recording Sheet

Fraction and Decimal Equivalents: Multiplying Tenths by Hundredths

Module 10

Students take turns drawing two fraction cards and writing the decimal equivalent. Students find the product of the two numbers, recording each expression as both a fraction and a decimal.  If they are correct, they earn a point.  The with the greater product earns a point for that round.

Fraction Cards  
Recording Sheet

Multiplying Tenths

Module 10
Differentiation Activity

Students draw two playing cards A-9 to create two tenths.  3=.3   The then use the hundredths grid to multiply the two decimals together. Students can either both solve it and compare or take turns.

Hundredths Grids

Grocery Shopping and Multiplying Decimals

Module 10

Students find 9 items on grocery store ads and write them along the recording sheet on the left side.  They find out how much they would cost if you bought 1 of those items, then 2 of those items, all the way to 9 of the item.  You can have them find all of the costs or 1 of the first, 2 of the second, three of the third and so on.  Sample ads are attached to either print or project on the board.

Ad 1
Ad 2
Ad 3
Recording Sheet

Decimal Multiplication Hundredths

Module 10, Lesson 4
Differentiation Activity

Students generate 3 digits between 1-9 to create multiplication expressions. To generate digits, students can use playing cards (A-9) or virtual dice. (To make it easier, share the link to the digital dice with students using Google Classroom.)

Once they have their digits, students create three different expressions. Expressions must be a whole number x a hundredth.  For example, if a student has the digits 3, 2, and 4 they can create: 3 x .24, 2 x .34, or 4 x .23. Students calculate the products for each f their expressions and compare with a partner.

Link to Creating Expressions Recording Sheet

Multiplication of Tenths

Module 10
Differentiation Activity

Students draw a card from each pile.  They multiply the decimal fraction by the whole number using the number line.  They record their product.  After five rounds, the students add up all their totals, and the student with the greatest total is the winner.

Number Cards
Number Lines
Recording Sheet