Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Problem Solving in Module 2

Don't forget about More Math, Problem Solving 4 during or after Module 2.  Many different ways to use this, such as entry or exit task, quick formative assessment, or a as a center during your differentiation.

Problem Solving Module 2

Roll the Volume

Module 2
Differentiation Activity

Student roll 3 dice once or 1 dice three times. They use those as the dimensions for building with their blocks.  After they have built their prism, each will calculate the volume.  The prism with the greatest volume scores a point. The first to 3 points wins.

You can use unifix cubes (inch), connecting cubes (inch), or base-ten blocks (cm) for building.

Greatest Product

Greatest Product
Module 2
Differentiation Activity

Using the numbers 2,3,5,6,9, students need to try different combinations to multiply together to find the greatest product. They can also work to find the product that is the lowest.  If you would like cards for partners to use, click on the ones below.

2,3,5,6,9 Cards

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Spotlight on the SBA

Kenna Duchesneau and Janeal Maxfield have created this monthly SBA guide to go along with your ELA and  Math curriculum.  Please check it out!!

Spotlight on the SBA