Monday, June 5, 2017

Three-Act Brownie Task

 This Three-Act Task comes from Janeal Maxfield.  It is geared toward fifth grade standards, but the organization and process help to see how to give a task.  Here is the link to the videos and acts.

Brownie Task Link

More tasks for all grade levels are found at

Video Length: About 11 minutes

Thanks to Mrs. Ack for her fifth grade classroom!

Please comment, share, and ask questions by commenting below. You can even click on a reaction under the post.  Watch with your team, a coach, or in the comfort of your own home.

Three-Act Task Recording Sheet 11x 17
Three-Act Task Recording Sheet Version 2
Three-Act Task Recording Sheet Version 3

Some questions to ponder and respond to in the comment section:

  1. What do you want to make sure to remember about the video?
  2. What might you want to try in your classroom?
  3. Did it reaffirm any of your practices?
  4. If this is similar to your structure, do you have anything to add?
  5. Are there pieces you would like to see more in depth?
  6. What questions do you have?

Observation Norms for the Blog:
  • ·         Take a learning stance. We are not here to compare/compete/judge.
  • ·          Maintain a positive attitude and respect for the teacher.
  • ·         Ask questions and share ideas.
  • ·         Remember, anything you post will be seen by all.

Adjusting Fact as Decimals

5.NBT.2 & 5
Module 12 Lesson 7
Differentiation Activity

Students draw two cards (numeral cards, playing cards, or even dice) and write down the corresponding math fact.  They then have 30 seconds to write as many equations as they can using those same numbers, just adding decimals in places.  Students are awarded points by how many correct equations that they create.  The student with the most points after five rounds is the winner.  Students may also do this with division if they choose.

Recording sheet (Optional)

Decimal Divisor Expressions

Module 10
Differentiation Activity

Students will cut out the cards and place them in a 3x4 array with the whole numbers in the top row.  The will draw a card from the top row and one card from the rest.  The student will write down the division expression as the whole number divided by the decimal (2 ➗ 0.02).  After the students have each created 3 different expressions.  They will discuss the expressions to see if they are divisible or not.

Cards  (Cards need to be downloaded for format)

Decimal Division Divisors

Module 10
Differentiation Activity

Students take turns drawing cards and determining a divisor for that number that will not have a remainder.  They will place a counter on the divisor.  The first student to place four counters in a row, column, diagonal, or 2x2 square is the winner.

Game Board and Cards

Friday, June 2, 2017

Divisibility of Dollar Amounts

Module 10
Differentiation Activity

Students use the recording sheet to track which numbers 1-9 are divisible by the money amount.  They can come up with their own dollar amount, draw playing cards A-9, or use the numeral cards for their starting number.  After the students have the starting amount, they can work together to find which numbers are divisors or they can do it individually and compare answers with a partner.

Numeral Cards
Recording Sheet

Dividing Decimal by One-Digit Whole Numbers

Module 10

Students take turns drawing a card, reading the expression, and figuring out the quotient. Students should use hundredths grids to model their solutions.

Division Cards

Monday, May 15, 2017

Dividing Fractions with Multiplication

Module 9
Differentiation Activity

Students draw a card and roll a dice to again create a division expression with the whole number as the dividend.  Students work together to find the relationship between division and multiplication.

Fraction Cards

Dividing Fractions - Whole Number Dividend

Module 9, Lesson 2
Extra Practice Differentiation Activity
5.NF.7, 7b

Students draw a card and roll the dice to create a division expression.  Here, the whole number is the dividend.  Students then draw a picture to represent the expression to find the answer. They can also use a number line as well.

Fraction Cards

Division/Multiplication of Fractions

Module 9
Differentiation Activity

Students roll the dice and draw a card.  They then write out the division expression and the matching multiplication expression.  They solve the problem together.

Fraction Cards  (download to see the fractions)

Dividing Fractions - Fraction Dividend

Module 9
Differentiation Activity

Students take turns rolling a dice and drawing a card.  They write out the division expression and solve it by drawing pictures.  The other student will listen and check their work.  They then switch roles.

Fraction Cards

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Multiplying Decimals

Module 10 
Multiplying Decimals Practice

Students draw cards to multiply together. You can have students use only the cards with tenths, or the cards with hundredths, or a mix of both, depending on where you are in your lesson sequence. Students earn a point for calculating the correct product.  The student with the  most points after 5 rounds is the winner.

Lessons 8-9 Cards
Recording Sheet

Fraction and Decimal Equivalents: Multiplying Tenths by Hundredths

Module 10

Students take turns drawing two fraction cards and writing the decimal equivalent. Students find the product of the two numbers, recording each expression as both a fraction and a decimal.  If they are correct, they earn a point.  The with the greater product earns a point for that round.

Fraction Cards  
Recording Sheet

Multiplying Tenths

Module 10
Differentiation Activity

Students draw two playing cards A-9 to create two tenths.  3=.3   The then use the hundredths grid to multiply the two decimals together. Students can either both solve it and compare or take turns.

Hundredths Grids

Grocery Shopping and Multiplying Decimals

Module 10

Students find 9 items on grocery store ads and write them along the recording sheet on the left side.  They find out how much they would cost if you bought 1 of those items, then 2 of those items, all the way to 9 of the item.  You can have them find all of the costs or 1 of the first, 2 of the second, three of the third and so on.  Sample ads are attached to either print or project on the board.

Ad 1
Ad 2
Ad 3
Recording Sheet

Decimal Multiplication Hundredths

Module 10, Lesson 4
Differentiation Activity

Students generate 3 digits between 1-9 to create multiplication expressions. To generate digits, students can use playing cards (A-9) or virtual dice. (To make it easier, share the link to the digital dice with students using Google Classroom.)

Once they have their digits, students create three different expressions. Expressions must be a whole number x a hundredth.  For example, if a student has the digits 3, 2, and 4 they can create: 3 x .24, 2 x .34, or 4 x .23. Students calculate the products for each f their expressions and compare with a partner.

Link to Creating Expressions Recording Sheet

Multiplication of Tenths

Module 10
Differentiation Activity

Students draw a card from each pile.  They multiply the decimal fraction by the whole number using the number line.  They record their product.  After five rounds, the students add up all their totals, and the student with the greatest total is the winner.

Number Cards
Number Lines
Recording Sheet

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Mrs. Devert - Using Gauge in the Classroom

Thank you Katey Devert for sharing your Gauge work with us!  Please comment, share, and ask questions by commenting below.   You can now click on reactions (cool, interesting) at the bottom of the post!

Printable 5th Grade Standard Reflection Sheet

Some questions to ponder and respond to in the comment section:
  1. What do you want to make sure to remember about the video?
  2. What might you want to try in your classroom?
  3. Did it reaffirm any of your practices?
  4. If this is similar to your structure, do you have anything to add?
  5. Are there pieces you would like to see more in depth?
  6. What questions do you have for the teacher?

Observation Norms for the Blog:
  • ·         Take a learning stance. We are not here to compare/compete/judge.
  • ·          Maintain a positive attitude and respect for the teacher.
  • ·         Ask questions and share ideas.
  • ·         Remember, anything you post will be seen by all.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Mrs. Hursey - Daily Math Video

Thank you Penny Hursey for sharing your practice with us!  Please remember this is a time to learn from each other.  Please comment, share, and ask questions by commenting below. You can even click on a reaction under the post.  Watch with your team, a coach, or in the comfort of your own home!

More video is available for those that would like to explore her structure.

Some questions to ponder and respond to in the comment section:

  1. What do you want to make sure to remember about the video?
  2. What might you want to try in your classroom?
  3. Did it reaffirm any of your practices?
  4. If this is similar to your structure, do you have anything to add?
  5. Are there pieces you would like to see more in depth?
  6. What questions do you have?

Observation Norms for the Blog:
  • ·         Take a learning stance. We are not here to compare/compete/judge.
  • ·          Maintain a positive attitude and respect for the teacher.
  • ·         Ask questions and share ideas.
  • ·         Remember, anything you post will be seen by all.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Fraction Problem Solving

Don't forget about all the problem solving in the more math tab!  Teachers have been cutting up the Problem Solving 4 to use during different times of the math block.

Problem Solving 4

Multiplication of Fractions Game

Students draw two cards, one fraction and one whole number, and multiply them together.  Points are awarded as followed:

  • A product greater than the whole number drawn scores 1 point.
  • A product equal to the whole number drawn scores 2 points.
  • A product less than the whole number drawn scores 3 points.

The student with the most points after five rounds is the winner.

Game Cards  (must be downloaded to actually see the numbers)

Comparison Multiplication

Module 8
Differentiation Activity

Students draw a card from each of the two different piles.  They use the support page to help multiply the fraction and whole number.

Support Page
 Cards  Download the cards to see them

Multiplying Proper & Improper Fractions

Module 8
Differentiation Activity

Students will either roll dice, draw playing cards A-9, or use the cards from the Number Case to create fractions.  In Lesson 3, they multiply a proper fraction and a proper fraction.  In lesson 4, they can multiply a proper and improper or just two improper fractions.  They can solve the expressions together.

Multiplying Fractions

Module 8
Differentiation Activity

Students take turn rolling dice or drawing A-9 playing cards to create a whole number and a mixed number to multiply.  Students can solve the expression and compare products with their partner.  They can use numbers or pictures to solve the problem.

Fraction Facts

Module 8
Differentiation Activity/Fundamentals Game

Draw 3 cards (two fraction and one whole number) from the three different piles.  Choose one of the fractions and calculate that fraction with the whole number.  Cover the corresponding number on the game board with a counter.  The first player to get four in a row is the winner!

Fraction Facts Game

Monday, March 20, 2017

SBA Performance Task Reminder

Please remember to see the SBA tab at the top of the page for some performance tasks and other SBA resources!

Divide and Conquer

Module 6
Fundamentals Game

Students draw a card and find the quotient of the expression.  The first student to get four in a row is the winner!

Divide and Conquer Game Board, Cards, Directions

Partitioning Dividends

Students are given equations with a small group or partner.  They must come up with addition equations that will made division easier.  For example.  400+120+8 to divided 528 divided by 4.  After they have make their equations, they will solve the division problem.

Partitioning Dividends Support Page
Division Equations Page 1
Division Equations Page 2

Division Dash

Module 6
Differentiation Activity/Fundamentals Game

Students play the game Division Dash.  A card is drawn and the student must solve the problem.  If they are correct, they roll a dice to see how many spaces they move.  Students will slide down and slide, but move backup on ladders.  The first student to reach finish, wins.

Division Dash Game Board, Cards, and Directions

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Difference in Decimals

Module 5
Differentiation Activity

Students draw 4 cards (playing cards, numerals cards, or dice) and put together ones and tenths to create a subtraction problem.  They record the difference on the recording sheet and after 5 rounds, they add up all of their differences to find the total.  The student with the greatest total wins the game.

Use tenths after Lesson 7 and hundredths after Lesson 8.
Numeral Cards    Recording Sheet
Decimal Form tenths
Decimal Form hundredths

Subtracting Decimals Using Weight

Module 5
Differentiation Activity

Students draw weight cards to find the difference between the two weights.  They can also write out all the differences they find and put them in order from least to greatest.  Cards may be mixed up back in after they are used.

Weight Cards

Subtracting Decimals

Module 5
Differentiation Activity

All players start with a 5 for each round.  For each round they draw 3 cards and subtract those decimals from 5.  The student with the greatest number after subtracting the three decimals receives a point.  After 5 rounds, the student with the most points is the winner.

Decimal Cards
Recording Sheet

Decimal Fractions - With Money!

Module 5
Differentiation Activity

Student can cut out and the cards, and you can use this activity whole group or partner work.  In a whole group, students who have a tag find a partner with the wallet and vice versa.  They find the difference and move on to a new partner.

In partners, students can take turns drawing cards and finding the difference between the item and how much money they have in their wallet.  They can even come up with story problems to give context!

Money Cards

Friday, January 27, 2017

Fraction Assessment Addition

Looking for a little more formative assessment for students?   Janeal has created two mini fraction assessments for teacher use.  She plans on using it in a classroom as a version A & B to minimize student copying, but they can be used as a pre and post or even exit slips.

Fraction Assessment Printable

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Mixed Number Headlines

5.NF.1, 2
Module 7
Differentiation Activity

Students can draw mix and match cards from the Number Case to create a mixed number subtraction equation.  They can use the activity Headlines from Putting the Principles Into Action by Susan O'Connell and John SanGiovanni  page 35 to connect the equation to a story.

Headlines description
O'Connell, Susan, and John SanGiovanni. Putting the Practices into Action: Implementing the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice, K-8. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2013. 35. Print.

Subtracting Fractions (Common and Mixed)

Module 7
Differentiation Activity/Student Journal Game

Students can play the game described in the Step In on their 7.7 Student Journal.  Instead of making cubes, you have them use cards.  They will draw a card from each pile and write the subtraction equation.  They will find the difference between the two fractions. Student must determine at the start of the game whether they will award point for:
A:  Denominators - two points for having to change both denominators
                              - one point for changing one denominator

B:  Difference - two point for a difference that is more than one
                        - one point for a difference that is less than one

After five rounds, the student with the most points is the winner.

Fraction Cards
Recording Sheet

Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Module 7
Differentiation Activity

In partners, students will take the fraction cards and separate them into two piles, one with the triangle and one without.  They will draw a card from each pile and find the difference.  They can either explain on paper or out loud how they solved their problem.  You can turn this into a game by awarding points for subtraction with common denominators = 1 point and unlike denominators = 2 points.  You could also have the student with the greatest difference score a point.  After five rounds, the student with the most points is the winner.

Fraction Cards
Recording Sheet (optional)

Subtracting Fractions (Unrelated Denominators)

Module 7, Lesson 3
Differentiation Activity

Students can print the multiplication table, cut it into strips, and use it to find common multiples. For example, I drew 1/3 and found the strips that made 1/3 with the beginning number.  I did the same for the 2/4 that I drew.  When looking at the two sets of strips, I was able to highlight the common denominator. After students draw their cards, they will find the difference between the two fractions.  Students score points depending on the number of denominators they had to change to calculate their difference (see Extra Help Slides for Scoring Rules.) The students will explain their thinking either in a notebook or on a whiteboard. 

Click for full description of activity and to download the Extra Help Slides (Scoring Rules). 
Multiplication Table
Fraction Cards
Recording Sheet

Subtracting Fractions (Related Denominators)

Module 7
Differentiation Activity

Partners will each draw two cards and find the difference between the two fractions.  They may use the number line to help.  If the student can correctly find the difference, they are awarded 1 points if their fractions had the same denominator or two points if they had related denominators.  After five rounds, the student with the most points is the winner.

Fraction Cards
Number Line Fifths
Recording Sheet

Subtracting Fractions (Like Denominators)

Module 7
Differentiation Activity

Each partner will draw two cards.  They must find the difference between the two fractions. They may use the number line for help. They will record the difference on the recording sheet and the partner with the greatest difference receives a point.  The partner with the most points after five rounds is the winner.

Number Line
Fraction Cards
Recording Sheet