Thursday, April 13, 2017

Mrs. Hursey - Daily Math Video

Thank you Penny Hursey for sharing your practice with us!  Please remember this is a time to learn from each other.  Please comment, share, and ask questions by commenting below. You can even click on a reaction under the post.  Watch with your team, a coach, or in the comfort of your own home!

More video is available for those that would like to explore her structure.

Some questions to ponder and respond to in the comment section:

  1. What do you want to make sure to remember about the video?
  2. What might you want to try in your classroom?
  3. Did it reaffirm any of your practices?
  4. If this is similar to your structure, do you have anything to add?
  5. Are there pieces you would like to see more in depth?
  6. What questions do you have?

Observation Norms for the Blog:
  • ·         Take a learning stance. We are not here to compare/compete/judge.
  • ·          Maintain a positive attitude and respect for the teacher.
  • ·         Ask questions and share ideas.
  • ·         Remember, anything you post will be seen by all.


  1. I notice how engaged the kids are, either on individual tasks or with a partner. Seems like there are enough choices to meet a variety of needs, but not so much that the teacher would be overwhelmed. Thanks for sharing!

  2. The kids appear independent, engaged and confident with the tasks. The visual reminders of choices in the room are clear and purposeful.

    Thank you!

  3. The room has a calm buzz with the sound of meaningful learning. The tasks look intentional and the structure looks manageable by students and the teacher. I want to be a student in this room!
